You are living stones that God is building into his spiritual temple… and the cornerstone is Christ Jesus himself.

1 Peter 2:5 and Ephesians 2:20
New Living Translation

Renewing the Cornerstone

Holy Trinity Episcopal Church has been a cornerstone of downtown Gainesville, Florida since 1868, and its cornerstone is Christ Jesus. He is the reason for which our beautiful church campus — with the life-changing worship, fellowship, music, and ministries it houses — exists.

But cornerstones aren’t stand-alone objects. They’re meant to be built on. Holy Trinity Episcopal Foundation’s Cornerstone Campaign aims to build on our church’s past and extend our present into the future, so that coming generations can find here that “life in all its fullnesspromised by Jesus (John 10:10).

Click these links to read more about the Cornerstone Campaign — and how you can help:

Have questions? Want to know more? Looking to give? Email Cornerstone Campaign Chair Phyllis DeLaney ( or Cornerstone Campaign Director Carly Christensen ( Thank you!