Unknown, and yet well known…

2 Corinthians 6:9
King James Version

Well, we’re no different than you, really.

Holy Trinity is a hodge-podge of humans — prodigal and pious, questioning and convinced, world-weary and well-set — drawn together by Christ Jesus.


Because Jesus offers a sound, promising, attractive alternative to this topsy-turvy world where it’s all too easy to feel lost in the dark, weighed down and worn out, or left all alone:

“Follow me, and you won’t be walking in the dark. You will have the light that gives life.”

“Come to me, all you who are struggling hard and carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest.”

“Listen! I am standing and knocking at your door. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in and we will eat together.”

Come, explore the Jesus alternative with us at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church.

“After all, God welcomes everyone.”

John 8:12 (Contemporary English Version)
Matthew 11:28 (Common English Bible)
Revelation 3:20 (Contemporary English Version)
Romans 14:3 (Contemporary English Version)