I will go to the altar of God, to the God of my joy and delight...

Psalm 43:4
New Catholic Bible

HTEC Worship Teams

Our worship teams at Holy Trinity volunteer their time, effort, and talent to make our worship of God a reverent, uplifting, and hospitable experience for all. Would you like to help them out?


Our acolytes are laypeople (young and otherwise) who help the clergy at the altar during worship by carrying the cross, banners, flags, candles, and the gospel book during worship. They also bring the collection plates to the altar after the offering at the Eucharist. Interested? Email us.


Our altar guild members care for the altar, vestments, vessels, altar linens, and flower arrangements used in worship. They prepare the sanctuary (altar area) for worship services and clean up afterwards. Interested? Email us.


Our calicifers (a label unique to Holy Trinity, from the Latin word for “cup”) are trained by clergy and licensed by our bishop to lead the Prayers of the People and serve the chalice (cup) to worshipers at communion time during the Eucharist. Interested? Email us.


Our choir leads worshipers in song together with our music director and organist and performs special musical numbers that reflect the season of the church year. Interested? Email us.


Our eucharistic visitors — trained by clergy and licensed by our bishop — take our church beyond its four walls by bringing Jesus as bread and wine from the Eucharist to the hospitalized, the homebound, and others unable to join worship in person. Interested? Email us.


Our greeters welcome worshipers to our church at the 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Eucharists on Sunday mornings and hand out worship bulletins. Interested? Email us.


Our hand bell choir enhances our worship with the sound of sweet chimes artfully played at special occasions throughout the year. Interested? Email us.


Our lectors are laypeople who read Bible readings assigned for the day during worship. Interested? Email us.


Our ushers serve as doorkeepers, watchful eyes, attentive ears, and helping hands during worship, at which they also collect the offerings brought to the altar. Interested? Email us.


Our vergers help keep good order during worship, especially by clearing the way for processions and leading them. Interested? Email us.